Smile Enhancement Consultations

Seeing is believing. Your detailed consultation includes an esthetic evaluation, 3D Smile Scan Session, and a Before & After Mock-Up of your smile. Dr. Jurcak will discuss personalized cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening, Invisalign, porcelain veneers, and porcelain crowns.

Appointment fee: $99

Before & After Photos

  • Old Fillings

    Before: Unhappy with crowding, stained fillings, and yellow teeth.

    After: Increased happiness & confidence. Loves to smile!

  • Old Crowns

    Old Crowns

    Before: Unhappy with long teeth, yellow crowns, and grey gums.

    After: Increased happiness & confidence. Loves to smile!

  • Missing Tooth

    Before: Unhappy with stained fillings, yellow teeth, and a missing tooth.

    After: Increased happiness and confidence. Loves to smile!

Building new smiles.

We enjoy giving our patients a new smile they can be proud to share with the world!